There are several possible reasons why a transaction on your Budgetly card may have been declined. This article takes you through some examples.
If your transaction is declined while making a purchase in-store, be sure to hold on to the declined receipt. If it was an online transaction, capture a screenshot of the declined message. It is advisable to try the transaction again, as sometimes it could be due to a technical glitch with the machine or a connectivity issue.
After that, check your budget balance to ensure that you have sufficient funds available.
If your budget has enough money to cover the purchase, the reason for the decline could be a low overall company balance. In such cases, we recommend you contact your finance team or Budgetly Admin to confirm. They can check your action logs, which will provide insights into the cause of the decline.
If neither of the above reasons apply, it is possible that there is an issue with the EFTPOS machine or your card. In such situations, please contact your Admin and they can reach out to our support team to help investigate.
When contacting us, please provide a copy of the declined receipt or screenshot.
To summarise, these are a few common scenarios of why a transaction is declined:
- Insufficient funds in the current Budget
- Incorrect PIN entered
- Insufficient funds in overall company balance, which can be confirmed by Admin
- If decline is an ATM withdrawal attempt, it could be because ATM withdrawal has been turned off by your Budgetly Admin
- Connection error between merchant and card provider
- If online: internet connection issue
Some less common scenarios could be:
- Outage of merchant bank
- Prepaid cards not accepted by merchant*
- Budgetly outage
*Please report any merchants that will not accept the card to Budgetly by sending an email to
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