User top-ups

User top-ups that reset naturally.

Budgets with user limits now offer the option to top up the available balance without altering the user limit itself. This means that there is no longer a need to manually reset user limits back to their original state.

Where can I top up or reduce a budget?

There are a few areas that you can top up or reduce a budget, but all of them require first navigating to the Budgets menu.

Once you are in the Budgets menu, you have the option to quickly top up or reduce a budget by simply selecting the +/- button on the far right. This allows for easy and efficient management of your budgets.


How can I just top up a specific user in a budget?

To utilise the user top-ups functionality, you must have user limits turned on.
Turn them on by editing the budget and select the button next to "Set user limits" BcSQgHIUju

In the example below, you can see each user's individual limit, previous top ups and reductions, what they've spent and their current available balance.

user-top-ups-before (2)

Freddy requests an extra $200 in addition to the $200 he currently has available.

The growth team social currently has a balance of $500 available so as the budget owner, Eloise can approve this request.

Below, you will see that Freddy now has a current available of $400.

user-top-ups-after (3)

Can a Budget Owner approve top up/approve money requests of any amount?

No, a budget owner can only top up and approve money requests within the budget's available balance. Only an Admin can top up or approve anything beyond that.

If a user has requested $500 and the budget's current available is only $300, contact your Admin and ask them to approve it or top up.


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