Reset a user's password

Request a password reset email for your user.

There are two avenues a users can take to reset their password:

  • Asking their admin to go into their profile and send a reset password link.
  • Selecting reset password on the Budgetly login page to receive a link.

This article explains how you can go to their profile and request one for them.

1. Go to the user menu

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2. Select the user by clicking their name in the user list.

image 37

3. Select 'reset password' in the top right of the screen.

image 38
4. Select OK.

Reset password

5. Advise the user to check their email inbox.

💡 Remind the user to check their SPAM/junk folder when checking their inbox.

6. The user follows the email instructions.

These can also be found in this article.

Reset PW 4

7. Password is set!