14 Sept 2023: Enhanced user limits and transaction notes

Latest updates to Budgetly product

Budgets: User Top-ups

User top-ups that reset naturally.

Budgets with user limits now support user top-ups. This means that the available balance is topped up, but the user limit remains unchanged. As a result, there is no need to manually reset user limits back to their original state.

Here's an example:

The Fuel budget has a limit of $200 that resets weekly. Joe has a user limit of $100.

Scenario Before Now
Joe's money request of $50.00 was approved. Joe's weekly user limit would increase to $150.00 until manually changed. Joe is topped up with $50.00 as a once off, but his weekly user limit remains as $100.

Available via

Top-up or reduce

The new (+/-) button has replaced the previous Top-up button.

Money request

Topping up a user with a limit of $500 and available balance of $200 will increase their available balance to $400.


Admins can top-up budgets and users beyond the current available balance.

Budget owners can now only top-up within the current available balance.


Transactions: Notes at a glance

We've received multiple requests for this feature to enhance the viewing experience.

Transactions - Notes
Now, you have the convenience of accessing more information from a transaction note without the need to open the transaction details. This enhancement allows for a quicker and more efficient reconciliation.