Approving and denying money requests

Users can request additional funds through Budgetly. This is the Admin & Budget owner guide to approving or denying those requests.

Wanting to know how to make a request money? See our guide here.

When a user requests money via Budgetly, an email is sent to the Budget Owner.chrome_bDt1tDuEkE 1

They can also respond to these money requests via the money requests area of the menu, along with Admins.

nav for card articles (6)

See how to respond a money request by following these steps or watching our video!

Video: Responding to a money request

Step-by-step guide

Navigate to the money request by either clicking "Open Budgetly" in the money request email or going to the Money requests section of the Budgetly menu.

This should take you to the below.
Group 521 (2)

Here you will see the requested amount, which you can change if you wish.

Below it will show the updated budget amount that will then be available.

You have the option to approve or decline the request, and the user will receive an email notification regarding the outcome.

Below is a preview of the email that the user will receive regarding the outcome of their money request.

Group 526

That's it! The user will be able to spend the funds immediately.


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